Monday, December 13, 2010

Resolution 2011: Une chose que j'aimerais ENFIN arreter de faire devant mes voisins en 2011

Le probleme d'avoir ete elevee a la campagne et loin de tous voisins, c est qu'on a des reflexes tres tres ancrees dans ses habitudes du quotidien...

(cliquer sur le dessin si vous voulez le voir en plus gros!)

Merci Margaux Motin pour decrire les scenes de notre quotidien...

Follow her on

Pele Mele

Tout simplement parce que je suis obsedee par cette chanson depuis quelques semaines, j'aime le son, l'esthetique du clip, les paroles (Qui n'a jamais ete a se refugier derriere son ego pour se cacher de ses emotions et du coup annihiler toutes chances de succes d'une potentielle relation?)
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do;-)

Ca y est!

Et voila, un nouveau chapitre commence...
En effet, j'ai claque ma demission mardi et grace(ouuupps j ai failli ecrire garce...lapsus revelateur????) a la flexibilite, o non combien decriee de l'autre cote de l'Atlantique, du travail "nord americaine, voila que j'etais vendredi en train de dire un Grand "AU Revoir President"!!!

Pub Loto - Au Revoir Président
envoyé par CQTT. - Gag, sketch et parodie humouristique en video.
Apres a peu pres 16 mois d'experience grosse boite anglophone, je realise que l'entrepeneurwoman en moi prefere les boites a taille humaine ou les defis sont moins lies au processus et au gens que tu connais mais plus a un " T'as envie de realiser qquelchose et bien vas-y, fonce cocotte"
Donc je m'en reviens a mes premieres amours que sont les Cosmetiques et le marketing avec un soupcon de technologie pour soulager la satiete de la geekette en moi.

Mais pas de panique, ce blog s'appelle shoe-bizz et il me fera plaisir de parler de "footwear" de temps a autre (meme s'il faut croire que le sujet ne m'a pas rendu intarissable vu la densite des posts;-)!P

@ Plus souvent, promis;p

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hey hey...

Well thank God, people don't hold any grudges against my incredible productivity on this new blog;-).
It's also kind of an insane idea to start a blog during the summer in Quebec... when you know that winters last way too long. So in a nutshell, I did not feel like staying seated in front of a computer screen for toooo long.

Anyhow after an "apologetic" introduction, it's ME getting back on track with this blog, for which I intend to change slightly the concept by 1) making it bilingual - depending on the mood I am in! and 2) by talking about everything and NOT only shoes (despite my passion for them ;-)!).

Having gone to a party of my good friend MC who wishes nothing else for her birthday than her pairs of Louboutin made me realize that Men were probably right when they say that Women & Shoes are like Men & Hockey (I am in Canada, so let me pick THE National sport). I would add to this that in fact while it's true, we also usually melt for purses;-)
Enough with the superficial aspect of this post, let's go to the FACTS, I am also an analyst after all!

Let me just start by introducing you to Nicholas Kirkwood.
A Footwear genius who designed few pairs that Sarah Jessica Parker, AKA Carrie Bradshaw adorns during one of her few appearances on the red carpet.
Our dear lady was wearing this amazing, beautiful, breath-taking pair that I am craving to own one day! (Consumption Society, when you make us feel that we should always own more and more....)

For you to enjoy ;-)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Day of a Brand new experience

Oh well, oh well, it's been a while that I have taken the time to express myself online (apart from brief Facebook statuses), probably around 2 years after a move from my so loved NYC to the so friendly Montreal...
So after letting the blog about my NYC life experience dies (, I decided to take a break from any blogs to recharge and to concentrate on my full-time student life.
So much has happened in 2 years:
- I was crazy in love, then love died
- I met amazing people from all around the world with whom I went through a crazy intense MBA year
- I traveled quite a bit to Morocco, Paris (quite a few times), NYC (again quite a few times), Vietnam, South Africa and most recently Mexico
- Last but not least, I quite fortunately landed on a job in fashion, especially footwear after sending only one resume.

And well, to be honest with you, this last point is probably the trigger to me writing a blog cuz' I discover love, a new kind of love or addiction, some will say about shoes and well those things happen when you do work for a shoe company.
Besides, instead of spending so much time researching about shoes, my friends suggested me to start sharing those experiences with well...whoever wanted, so I guess blogs are the new Agora of our 21. century

So this long introduction is just to announce the humble project to go over my passion for shoes, my own collection and associate with them good, sometimes bad memories, share upcoming trends and very anecdotic and hopefully funny episodes.

So on this note, my friends, I will tell you to stay tuned for upcoming posts.

