Friday, July 29, 2011

Spice it up!

Being dressed corporate does NOT suit me at all...
I bought a summer dress at Kling ( )in PAris last year that I love very much but there's a part of me screaming that, oh well, it might be slightly too plain for me...
That's why I decided to spice it up with wannabe Betsey Johnson pair of shoes bought in Vegas.
Much Much Much better indeed...

Vintage I said!

Well since my new passion is vintage, I had to briefly introduce to you my lovely XXL Yellow shirt that was probably once owned by a quite large grandmother. It's as yellow as a bird & feels fantastic on the skin!
I wore it with my Denis Gagnon gilet and a pair of rock'n roll grey jeans with zippers at the ankles.
To top it all I wore a "mustache necklace" found here in Montreal at "Puces Pop".

Thank god, my job allows me to wear pretty unusual clothes.
Once again, it's a test and an experiment to see where the borders of tasteful clothes are ;-)

Skulls are everywhere!

C'est pas nouveau, je suis fan de tetes de mort...
La trouvaille formidable sur un marche de Shoreditch, le Brooklyn de London...
et un superbe collier vintage de Portobello Road avec pour ironie une rose accollee au crane de la fameuse tete mortelle, qui m"a rappelle le film de Tim Burton, The corpse bride!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Margaux Motin Forever (and ever)

J'ai recu il y a quelques temps mon t-shirt Margaux Motin commande sur Mister Poulet
Le seul hic, c'est qu'il fait tellement chaud a Montreal que j'ai meme pas eu l'occasion de le mettre (non, non je me balade pas non plus completement a oil-pe mais il fait juste trop chaud pour se couvrir les epaules!!!)!
Ce t-shirt regroupe graphiquement tout ce que j'aime: des tetes de mort, des madonnes kitch, des chats et du bleu electrique!
Pis la, vous voyez mal, mais la jupe est "ueber vintage" puisque je l'ai recupere a la fete du troc de Montreal ou les fashionistas montrealaises ds ce bas monde se retrouvent et echangent leurs pieces a gogo!
C'est 2-3 fois par an et croyez-moi ca vaut vraiment le coup.
check it out:

Ps: des posts 2 jours de suite, oui je sais, vous allez me dire mais c'est maboule, carole t'es-tu malade? Non juste repris le gout d'ecrire un peu...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Last one of the day

A marvelous pair of shoes (because after all, the name of the blog is Shoe Bizz) that I brought back from my lovely trip to Greece!

My closet's getting closer to Carrie Bradshaw's one...

A gift from my very good friend Jin...Can't wait to wear it next week end for a wedding;-)

Canicule/Heat Wave

a Must-listen to during this Heat Wave ;-)